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working with you to achieve



I deliver online and in-person training in a number of different areas. It can be tailored to your needs and delivered in a flexible way to fit in with your timeframes, from half day courses upwards.


I am a trained and experienced facilitator, offering  facilitation of meetings, events, team days, public engagement and action learning in Welsh and English.


Experienced wellbeing, career, study and executive coach for over 20 years. 
I use a variety of tools and methods to meet the needs of individuals with whom I work.

About me / Amdana' i

I am a bilingual, experienced trainer, facilitator and coach who has worked in this capacity across sectors for over 30 years. Most recently I have worked at Swansea University and before that was Head of Participation Cymru and Head of Business Development, Consultancy and Learning for Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA).

Rwy'n hyfforddwr, hwylusydd ac ymgynghorydd dwyieithog a phrofiadol, sydd wedi gweithio yn y capasiti hwn ar draws sectorau ers dros 30 mlynedd. Yn fwyaf diweddar, fi oedd Pennaeth Cyfranogaeth Cymru a Phennaeth Datblygu Busnes, Ymgynghoriaeth a Dysgu ar gyfer WCVA.

Trainer · Facilitator · Coach
Hyfforddwr · Hwylusydd ·Ymgynghorydd
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